Communication policy
Interruptions can be very distracting for both Doctor and patient, telephone consultations will not be carried out and patients are encouraged to make an appointment with the doctor. Emergency or serious problems which require immediate attention are of course an exception.
Email communication is discouraged as it is not a secure way for patient privacy.
Patients are encouraged to book an appointment through our online booking system or by calling 02 4323 2029 and speaking to our reception staff.
Managing patient health information
All doctors at the practice use the computerised Medical Records to record information, order tests, provide prescriptions and file Specialists reports. Our computers are password protected, and backed up daily. All information recorded at the surgery is confidential. We follow the Australian Federal Privacy Laws and Standards for the private health sector. Please ask reception if you would like a copy of our privacy policy.
Test Results
Please book an appointment to get your test results.
Specialist Referrals
These must be done during a consultation with your GP.
Medical Certificates
You must make an appointment to get a medical certificate and, we regret they cannot be backdated.
Recalls and Reminders
Our reminder system is to tell you about recurring healthcare issues such as annual check-ups, care planning and immunisations. Please advise reception if you want to opt out of reminders.
Privacy Policy
Our medical centre complies with all confidentiality and privacy obligations. Please ask reception for a copy.
Complaints and suggestions
We constantly strive to give you the best possible care and attention. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive from this practice, we would like to know. Please feel free to talk to your Doctor, Practice Manager or Reception about any problems you may have with the service we provide. However, if you feel there is a problem you wish to take up outside the surgery please contact:
Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Phone: 1800077308 (Toll Free) or (02) 9219 7444